What Do Men Find Attractive In A Woman

JenniferDating Advice for Men, Dating Advice For Women, Find Love, Relationship Advice, Self-Improvement

What Do Men Find Attractive? -In A Women
Many women face the issue of figuring out what men are truly attracted to.

Immediately, many women may think they have to fix something about their appearance to attract the right man in their life, but it is actually deeper than surface level. While it is important to keep a fresh look on the outside, it is also important to make sure the traits you possess internally are in check.   According to Karen Sherman, the author of Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, And Make It Last, she says, “The beginning stages of dating are driven by chemistry, but you can’t rely on that alone to sustain things”. There needs to be something more to you then what a man can find in any other woman if he just simply looks across the street.

1. When a woman leaves something to the imagination

Men love a challenge. If you immediately take off your clothes after the first date, he is more than likely not going to want to call you to hang out the next day because he already got a taste of you so quickly. Playing hard to get will work in your benefit because he will have that curiosity of what you do have to offer him that another woman may not be able to give.

What Do Men Find Attractive In A Women

2. When a woman keeps him interested.

Once men get bored, they tend to wander off into other areas to see what they can find because you aren’t keeping him on his toes. Share something about yourself every now and then that will separate you from any of the other women he knows. Having something that he can identify with you will keep him coming back to find out more about you and what you have to offer that no one else does. Show off your playful and adventurous attitude to let him know he will be missing out if he decides to walk away.

What Do Men Find Attractive In A Women

3. Women with confidence

Men are attracted to women who have the ultimate confidence in themselves. If you are constantly complaining about your looks or are always speaking poorly about yourself, chances are he is not going to want to deal with someone who does not have the emotional stability he is looking for. We all have something we would want to fix about ourselves but show him you are a strong woman and focus on the parts of you that make you unique and use them to your advantage. Along with this, have confidence when you are in the bedroom with them. Men don’t want to hear you being insecure about your body right as they are about to have sex. Chances are, he thinks you are sexy and cannot wait to jump into bed with you, so use that to your advantage and enjoy every second of it.

4. Women who are real and natural 

Men want to be with a woman who feels secure enough with themselves that they can add great substance to a man’s life. If you are just like every other woman in town, there is nothing that is going to make him want to commit fully to you. Sure you may be the booty call at 2 am on a lonely Friday night, but you won’t be the person he is daydreaming about on a Sunday afternoon. Don’t give everything up from the start, keep him on his toes, and possess the confidence within yourself to make sure you are the one that is on his mind non-stop.

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